Wednesday 18 July 2018

Limited God

In today's world, we know Limited Good

We are living in a technology era, where we have competition mostly in every ground, we all are in haste to win the race. But in that race, we forget about the God.

I'm writing this blog because I observe many things in my life while achieving my life goals I don't have time for my God. That’s why I Know Limited God?

I have time listen to music, watching video clips, wasting my time on Social Media, then Why I don't have time for God?

The biggest question for myself and for my readers?

I'm a born Christian, belongs to protestant denomination, In my childhood, I remember my mom taking us to Sunday School, we always did  prayers together in the evening, we read the Bible, My Mom always encouraged us to take part in the Sunday School competitions, we were engaged in many church activities.

But as we grow up, we went far away from our God and became counted in the world's race and competitions. Competition in Studies, competition to come first in the exam, competition in jobs, positions, Luxurious life, competition to prove yourself better than others, the tournaments presence everywhere in life. But none of these competitions lead us to the God, we pretend that we Know God, but actually we don’t Know God, because we Limited God as needed.

How can we know our God?
According to the Old Testament, the tenth part of our wealth is belongs to God. As a believer this is our core obligation.

In today's era, perhaps we fulfill our responsibility and give it our best, but do we fulfill our obligation with love, faith and generosity? Because it’s written in
2nd Corinthians 9:6 “For God love the cheerful giver”

 Our heart is far away from God. In order to know God and to keep close to Him, besides giving our wealth tithe, we also have to give a tenth part of our time to God.
Because our time is to inject our relationship with God. Our wealth depends upon our time.
2.4 hours of 24 hours from our each day life be appropriate to God as our tithe.
To know your God personally spent time with him so God will bless you.


"For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joint...