Wednesday 12 June 2019

God Most High

God Most High (El elyon and Elohim elyon)

’El ‘elyon and ’Elohim ‘elyon are Hebrew names for God that are translated as God Most High in several places in the Old Testament. Occasionally, the English word order is altered and the name Most High God is used.

In Genesis 14:22, Abram worshipped God Most High but called Him Yahweh (Jehovah). Melchizedek called ’El ‘elyonPossessor or Creator of heaven and earth. It is possible that ’El and ‘Elyon were named for two Canaanite gods, which were later combined into one “lord of the gods.” Abram accepted the name that Melchizedek used for God but he was careful to correct him—Yahweh is the true God Most High.

Hebrews 7:1 quotes Genesis 14:19-20 (’El ‘elyon) and refers to God as the Most High God.
Two New Testament names of Jesus (Yeshua‘) derive from this name of God. In Mark 5:7 and Luke 8:28, Jesus is called the Son of the Highest God and in Luke 1:32, He is Son of the Highest.

God Most High in Hebrew:

’El ‘elyon
Strong’s Concordance numbers: 410, 5945b
Bible references: Genesis 14:18-22; Psalm 78:35 and about thirty times elsewhere.

Melchizedek said, “Praise be to God Most High,
    who delivered your enemies into your hand.” (Genesis 14:20, NIV)
’El ‘elyon occurs in parallel with Yahweh (Pss. 18:14; 21:8; 83:19), ’El (Ps. 107:11), and Shaddai(Ps 91:1).

’Elohim ‘elyon
Strong’s Concordance numbers: 430, 5945b
Bible references Pss. 57:2; 78:56
I cry out to God Most High,
    to God, who vindicates me. (Psalm 57:2, NIV)
One of the names of the LORD, LORD Most High (Yahweh ’El ‘elyon or Jehovah ’El ‘elyon) is similar (Pss.7:17; 47:2; 97:9).

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