Tuesday 11 June 2019

God my Rock

Everlasting Rock
Everlasting Rock is one of several Hebrew names for God that use the word ‘olam. About three hundred times the word ‘olam refers to the future, twenty times to the past.

The context tells which is meant but in both cases the subject is very distant and possibly perpetual. The word fits many things associated with God, especially His lovingkindness, covenant, truth, righteousness, kingdom, dominion, and ordinances.
The word tsur is used of a massive cliff or mountain that is virtually impenetrable.

Everlasting Rock in Hebrew:

Tsur ‘olamim
Strong’s Concordance numbers: 6697, 5769

Bible reference: Isa. 26:4

Trust in the Lord forever,
For in God the Lord, we have an everlasting Rock.
 (Isaiah 26:4)
This name of God is translated in different ways, including the well-known title from the hymn, “Rock of ages” (J. N. Darby’s 1890 version, and in parentheses in Amp.). The NIV has “Rock eternal.”

Similar Old Testament names for God are Everlasting Father, Everlasting God, and Everlasting King. Redeemer from of old also uses the Hebrew word olam. In the New Testament, God is called the King Eternal and the Holy Spirit is the Eternal Spirit.

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