Saturday 1 June 2019

Christ the Lord
Christ the Lord is a phrase that is packed with meaning. The word “Christ” is the anglicized form of the Greek word meaning “anointed one” or “Messiah.” The word “Lord” has a wide range of uses. It can be a simple respectful “Sir” or a more formal, “Master.” But the New Testament also uses “Lord” of God. When the two words are combined in reference to Jesus (Yeshua‘), they remind us that He is both the promised Messiah and our God.

Christ the Lord in Greek:
Christos kyrios

Strong’s Concordance numbers: 5547, 2962

Bible reference: Luke 2:11

The angel who spoke to the shepherds near Bethlehem told them about the Messiah who had been born as a savior and Lord: “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:11)

Many other names of Jesus include the words Christ and Lord including the formal title, “Lord Jesus Christ.”

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